Rez's rule
I was introduced to the concept by Jesse Itzler in 2020.
Years ago, while he was on a father-son camping trip in New Hampshire’s White Mountains with his friend Kevin, Jesse learned that the camping trip was one of many Kevin would undertake with his kids that year. Kevin purposefully plans 4-6 mini adventures with his kids, spouse, and close friends. “If you take one day every other month, you will add six new adventures this year that you otherwise wouldn't have had with your loved ones,” Kevin said.
You might take a family trip to a national park in your state, sign up for a cooking class, run a race, charter a fishing boat, attend a wine tasting, or go on a local tour in your city. It doesn’t have to be exotic or expensive. The point is to spend time with loved ones you might not otherwise have, meaning outside routine or scheduled events already on the calendar.
Last June, I spent time with Erin in Europe while she was studying abroad, and in January, I went to Iceland with Campbell. Over the weekend, I crossed off a bucket list event with Sean at the Frozen Four. All three adventures were amazing.
I borrowed and renamed Jesse’s phrase and now refer to them as Rez’s Rule. Either way, imagine how many new adventures you will have going forward with your kids, partner, siblings, or close friends. Coleen is now planning her Rez’s Rule adventures with Campbell, Erin, and Sean.
Send me your Rez’s Rule adventures, and I’ll post them here!